Mark Tomlinson

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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The digital home is still far from reality | TG Daily

The digital home is still far from reality | TG Daily

I have to agree with this in part. When I recently switched the home network from all wireless to a mix of wired/wireless I realized after I was done what a (figurative) mess it was. A wireless router a DSL modem, 3 switches, 4 PCs (not counting 2 laptops), 2 PDAs, an XBox and two Tivos. Erg. The average Joe User would not have been able to set this up in an afternoon, if at all.

It IS getting better though, while building the Mame cabniet PC I realized that I could leave a wireless NIC in it and even run a satellite feed to it and make it double as a MythTV unit (or some other form of Digital PVR/Home Media PC. Perhaps just extra storage...the options are endless. The Tivos have exposed enough cool features to make me see a glimmer of what the future of home media looks like. It is gonna rock.