BuzzMachine: "I don’t understand Redmond’s attempts to mock Craigslist — and all the people using it — as community. Creating a means and a place where people can meet for social or business purposes does, indeed, build community; that’s what the internet is about: not just content, but connections.
I’m also scratching my head over Redmond’s notion that “local” has to be better, as if all the people using Craiglist — or Flickr or Blogger or or Myspace or Meetup — aren’t themselves local. It’s the people that make it local, not the server."
Let's take a moment and think about 'local'
One of the definitions Meriam-Webster lists ( is this: "3 a : primarily serving the needs of a particular limited district"
Now in the past this would have been entirely limited to a definition that is associated with their first: "1 : characterized by or relating to position in space : having a definite spatial form or location"
However the internet redefines the concept of 'local' the spatial part of it is 'local' in that your PC is certainly local, the rest is just obvious. A huge social aspect of the internet is the broadening of conceptual limits (i.e. boundaries).
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