New Scientist Tech - Premium- Quantum computing: When photons go AWOL - Features
New Scientist Tech - Premium- Quantum computing: When photons go AWOL - Features: "It turns out that it is not just quantum particles that get entangled: if Franson's calculations are correct, you can entangle bits of empty space as well. Einstein would really have been spooked by this one."
With as much interesting and mind-numbing stuff as we are seeing in the current state of Quantum computing think on this... State of the art now is comparable to the old bit-by-bit load a register and program the comupter, everything is built out of tube and wire days for the digital world. What happens when we get it to the integtrated circuit equivalent?
God only knows, but I darn sure want to be around to find out. Maybe our new electronic overlords won't take our toys away and make us play in the sandbox.
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