Mark Tomlinson

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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Windows Vista the last of its kind - Windows Vista the last of its kind: "Vista will be the last version of Windows that exists in its current, monolithic form, according to Gartner.

Instead, the research firm predicts, Microsoft will be forced to migrate Windows to a modular architecture tied together through hardware-supported virtualisation."

Well, anyone who has suffered through reading any of the rest of the blog earlier knows that I absolutely already said this was likely to be the case (and a damn fine idea). If you haven't used virtualization (VMWare, Zen, VirtualPC) you have no idea just how radically this alters your ideas about how hardware and operating systems are supposed to be used. You need to RUN (not walk) to the nearest download of your choice* and start experimenting.

*(VMWare has trials and the workstation product is very cheap)