Mark Tomlinson

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Sunday, July 31, 2005

Tech Blog

Mike's Tech Blog

A new CLIPS ?

Friday, July 29, 2005 : Muon1 Distributed Particle Accelerator Design : Muon1 Distributed Particle Accelerator Design

A link suggestion by Mike Giordano. Mike, you have to be waaay to busy to ponder heavy stuff like this ;)

Actually, this is similar to the SETI@home and the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (now offline) as well as others that used spare sycles from your PC to do interesting things.

Can Crush Demo / Tank Car Crush Demo

Can Crush Demo / Tank Car Crush Demo

Physics is a cold, hard bitch.

Bottom drops out of Japanese electronics

Bottom drops out of Japanese electronics

This had to happen sooner or late. The proliferation of manufacturers couldn't sustain itself.


BuzzMachine: "The first rule of blogging is, “never attempt to make up rules about blogging.” The second rule of blogging is, “if you think God has called you to be the Moses of blogging, please wait a few months after coming down from the mountain-top before issuing your commandments.” And the third rule of blogging is, never use the word “jiggy.”"

LOL, sometimes we need taking down a notch.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Cracked Windows anti-crack cracked claim

Cracked Windows anti-crack cracked claim

If only the hackers were, like, stupid or something...

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

BBC NEWS | Magazine | Doctor Who, fashion icon

BBC NEWS | Magazine | Doctor Who, fashion icon

The clothing style of the good Dr. (and how it changes from one incarnation to the nxt) has always been an inside 'thing'. Good to see they haven't dropped that.

DrunkenBlog: Party like it's 1975

DrunkenBlog: Party like it's 1975: "Fun with Filenames"

Sling Media :: What is it

Sling Media :: What is it


view | Bayosphere

view | Bayosphere: "Adding Items to My Shopping Basket"

Only in the case of some vendors (Like Quill) where they toss in free stuff :) Seriously though, this has been happening for a long time as anyone who has been shopping online can attest.

Doom movie teaser trailer released

Doom movie teaser trailer released: "THE DOOM movie won’t suck..."

I have a hard time buying that.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

A couple of shots from this morning. John got these from the beach.

Great to see us back in space! - Lawmakers endorse Bush's space vision - Jul 22, 2005 - Lawmakers endorse Bush's space vision - Jul 22, 2005

Not that I feel confident this will actually get approved by the Senate, but I do feel strongly about this topic. Space will commercialize as well, it has taken longer than we anticipated, but if there is money to be made (and there is, oh yes there is) then corporate greed will do the rest. Ultimately it will happen. Men will go back to the moon and to Mars and...beyond. The only question is what flag they will fly. As an American, I feel that this is a part of what and who we are. We should remember what sort of returns we have gotten from the program for such a very small investment overall.

NASA - Return to Flight

NASA - Return to Flight

Currently watching this live (via NASA TV). My wife, son and one of his cousins went trucking over to the coast early (4 AM) this morning to grab a spot on the causeway.

Godspeed Discovery.

Fire Ravages Rented Trailer Home - from

Fire Ravages Rented Trailer Home - from

The name is wrong. It is Darryl Tomlinson.

I'll have more to blog on this after I settle down and ponder this. Let me just say that my family needed a lot of help to make it up to dysfunctional status...

I guess that really isn't totally fair to my parents (who are no longer with us) and other relatives who are/were really nice people. The only real dysfunctional part was (us) the siblings.

Monday, July 25, 2005

WorldWatch - July 10, 2005 - Killing the Common People - The Ornery American

WorldWatch - July 10, 2005 - Killing the Common People - The Ornery American

As always an intersting and insightful read. One thing it does beg us to ponder (without actually saying so) is how much of what we think we know is distorted. Media is a filter and sadly there are fewer and fewer versions to bounce against each other. This is what makes citizen journalism a Really Good Thing.

Microsoft anti-trust case could cripple Intel

Microsoft anti-trust case could cripple Intel

China's Godson-2 CPU is a MIPS rip chip

China's Godson-2 CPU is a MIPS rip chip

Friday, July 22, 2005

TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home » Seven friendly suggestions for J.K. Rowling and her lawyer

TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home » Seven friendly suggestions for J.K. Rowling and her lawyer

TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home » Annals of Human Stupidity: Illegal Potter e-books on sale on eBay

TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home » Annals of Human Stupidity: Illegal Potter e-books on sale on eBay

Numark busts out iDJ dueling iPod mixer - Engadget -

Numark busts out iDJ dueling iPod mixer - Engadget -

Gilder's dark future | | CNET

Gilder's dark future | | CNET "'TV is dying fast and it will be followed by Hollywood. These industries fed on scarcity. There are only a few channels available. TV was technology of tyrants. It fed this advertising model that has collapsed,' Gilder told an audience at the conference. 'The thirty-second spot is just going to die. Nobody is going to watch any ads they don't want to see.

'Book culture and blog culture can redeem a civilization,' he said."

...and good riddance to (mostly) bad rubbish, I say.

ARRLWeb: FCC Proposes to Drop Morse Code Requirement for All License Classes

ARRLWeb: FCC Proposes to Drop Morse Code Requirement for All License Classes



Thursday, July 21, 2005

Setting Project Exit Criteria

Setting Project Exit Criteria

Hitachi’s RFID-enabled mirror - Engadget -

Hitachi’s RFID-enabled mirror - Engadget - "This would place the device squarely into the “cool, yet kinda creepy” category."

No crap. Creepy Aye.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Understanding Project Expectations

Understanding Project Expectations - James Doohan, 'Star Trek's' Scotty, dead - Jul 20, 2005 - James Doohan, 'Star Trek's' Scotty, dead - Jul 20, 2005

This was a really nice guy, no mistake.

The Regex Coach - interactive regular expressions

The Regex Coach - interactive regular expressions

Microsoft should mod the Xbox for the sake of the planet

Microsoft should mod the Xbox for the sake of the planet

AmberWave to sue Intel

AmberWave to sue Intel

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Silence today...

No link this time. They say life is what happens while you are making other plans (John Lennon?)

I was absent yesterday because I had to spend the day in a hospital waiting room. Waiting for my wife to have a biopsy done. A little time to reflect if you will; we get so busy making it from day-to-day that we forget to do that ocasiionally--reflect and prioritize.

We take for granted, we assume the status quo and then life comes along and upsets our apple cart. Don't wait for life to shove your face into the rose bush, admire them now and save the scratches on your face.

My wife? She is going to be fine, looks like it was nothing to be alarmed about. Me? I hope I am never going to be the same.

Friday, July 15, 2005

World of Ends

World of Ends:

"There are mistakes and there are mistakes."

I know I have pointed to this in the past (not on this blog yet!) it is still just as good a read now as it was two years back. - Scientists find planet with 3 suns - Jul 14, 2005 - Scientists find planet with 3 suns - Jul 14, 2005

CoolTechZone::Insider Report: Intel Motherboard Sales Still Not Doing Good

CoolTechZone::Insider Report: Intel Motherboard Sales Still Not Doing Good:

"DFI’s motherboard sales are about 65:1 AMD to Intel motherboard ratio."

Ouch. At some point this has to get noticed even by Intel.

Microsoft debuts new version of Windows Automotive - Engadget -

Microsoft debuts new version of Windows Automotive - Engadget -

and yet another. What a morning for neo crappo stuff :)

The gold aluminum keyboard - Engadget -

The gold aluminum keyboard - Engadget -

and another entrant for the 'poor taste' category.

CANOE -- WHAM! gaming

CANOE -- WHAM! gaming

From the 'poor taste' department.

TV allows two programmes to show at once

TV allows two programmes to show at once

Awesome! We all needed to be able to watch more TV...

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Purdue findings support earlier nuclear fusion experiments

Purdue findings support earlier nuclear fusion experiments

Thanks to Mike Giordano for pointing this one out!

While I have always wondered if this is actually technology that can produce useful energy, one can certainly dream.

Engadget -

Engadget - "Sandstorm autonomous Humvee looking good for DARPA Grand Challenge >"

Cool stuff that.

AMD turns a profit

AMD turns a profit

BuzzMachine ... by Jeff Jarvis

BuzzMachine ... by Jeff Jarvis: "And, yes, that last picture is called 'topping the ball.' That is followed by cursing the ball."

LOL, yep. exactly why I gave up golf 20 some odd years ago. I found enough other things to surse at :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The Box alternative audio control interface - Engadget -

The Box alternative audio control interface - Engadget -

Xbox 360 GPU to be manufactured by TSMC

Xbox 360 GPU to be manufactured by TSMC

Coburn and the Change Function :: AO

Coburn and the Change Function :: AO: A snippet: "Any of you who have:

· read Vannevar Bush's 1945 article in the Atlantic Monthly As We May Think or...
· developed the Internet or...
· have had the privilege to spend time or learn at the side of Douglas Engelbart or...
· have been immersed in Seth Godin's writing on creating the 'remarkable' or...
· have worked on the Mars Rover or...
· created the anti-rental car Zipcar service that Dave used last week or
· hired consultant Keith Yamashita or
· read Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash or...
· have studied under John Maeda at MIT's Media Lab or...
· have worked for a technology company that successfully accomplished even one revolutionary idea or...
· have written a software program to do something they were told was impossible or... "

Well, I'll just let you read the rest.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Covering the Hurricane Coverage (Chris Pirillo)

Covering the Hurricane Coverage (Chris Pirillo): "Covering the Hurricane Coverage "

too funny.

HP carries home Dell CIO from exec swap meet | The Register

HP carries home Dell CIO from exec swap meet | The Register

Is this not starting to feel just a wee bit incestuous?

IBM preparing to build ATI R500 for Xbox 360

IBM preparing to build ATI R500 for Xbox 360

Monday, July 11, 2005

Chris CFDG - Context Free Design Grammar

Chris CFDG - Context Free Design Grammar

THis is cool...and wierd.

Star Trek weapon system suffers delayed delivery

Star Trek weapon system suffers delayed delivery: "Never happened to Captain Kirk. At no point did Scotty say 'Sorry Captain, the phasers have not shown up yet, you canna change the laws of pen pushers.'"

Intel hit by even more class actions

Intel hit by even more class actions

Top Intel architect flees coop for AMD

Top Intel architect flees coop for AMD

Sunday, July 10, 2005

RFC 1925 (rfc1925) - The Twelve Networking Truths

RFC 1925 (rfc1925) - The Twelve Networking Truths

You MUST read this. Most people will have stumbled across at least some of these eventually.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Getting The Right Project Requirements

Bring Me A Rock

Not everyone can do every job.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Linksys' Latest "Stealth" Products : TomsNetworking :

Linksys' Latest "Stealth" Products : TomsNetworking :

So using somebody's Wi-Fi at the curb is like pissing in their flowers? | Doc Searls' IT Garage

So using somebody's Wi-Fi at the curb is like pissing in their flowers? | Doc Searls' IT Garage

If you don't secure it, you don't care? Is this akin to leaving your house unlocked?

The Scarecrow motion-detecting sprinkler system - Engadget -

The Scarecrow motion-detecting sprinkler system - Engadget -

Like this won't get misused...

Xbox 360 beta development kit? - Engadget -

Xbox 360 beta development kit? - Engadget -

A Field Guide to Intel's Nehalem revealed

A Field Guide to Intel's Nehalem revealed

Affordable dual core AMD X2 on the way

Affordable dual core AMD X2 on the way

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

State: Wi-Fi cloaks a new breed of intruder

State: Wi-Fi cloaks a new breed of intruder

Online music copyright laws out of date: EU

Online music copyright laws out of date: EU

'Streamline' ? Is that what they are calling 'it' these days...

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Rock & Ride Motion Simulator [RRMS] - 899.00EUR : Do the RighTThing!!!, Welcome to our store..

Rock & Ride Motion Simulator [RRMS]

Think of the fun you could have building one of these yourself...

Dan Gillmor's blog | Bayosphere

Dan Gillmor's blog | Bayosphere: "Independence Day celebrates liberty, at a time when we're abandoning liberty at a frighteningly quick rate."

NASA - Deep Impact

NASA - Deep Impact

In case you were in a coma and missed this...