Mark Tomlinson

Create Your Badge

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The CQ-2 twin seater personal submarine - gizmag Article

The CQ-2 twin seater personal submarine - gizmag Article

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Cheap prescription glasses - Mad Professor

Cheap prescription glasses - Mad Professor

Gizmodo UK : May The Force Be Wii You

Gizmodo UK : May The Force Be Wii You

MobileTCP - auto switching mail servers when you laptop roam - The Red Ferret Journal

MobileTCP - auto switching mail servers when you laptop roam - The Red Ferret Journal

Thummer - mini music machine emphasises expressive effects - The Red Ferret Journal

Thummer - mini music machine emphasises expressive effects - The Red Ferret Journal

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Hard Science of Making Videogames - Popular Science

The Hard Science of Making Videogames - Popular Science

Sony mulls dropping PS4 plans, bloke reckons

Sony mulls dropping PS4 plans, bloke reckons: "Most observers would say that if you are in competition with the likes of Nintendo and Microsoft the last think you try to do is cut back on R&D, unless you are planning to pull out of the market."

Or, perhaps, they really just don't need/want to focus on the Cell as a technology. So they farm that out as a 'been, there, done that' sort of thing and look for something completely different as the next engine. The Cell has yet to take the processor world by storm; rather the swarm of multi-core chips (and the promise of flexible core designs) is probably going to win the day.

It is possible they may back out of the market, but more likely that they just need to reconsider all options and not be fixated on any specific technology.

Pirates mock Media Defender

Pirates mock Media Defender

"You can't stop the signal"

Idiots. They should watch the movie I guess.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Earth Class Mail - manage your postal mail as easily as email - The Red Ferret Journal

Earth Class Mail - manage your postal mail as easily as email - The Red Ferret Journal

Another interesting idea and certainly a niche that needed a solution. For most people this would simply be an affectation, but there are others that would benefit.

Once day only physical stuff will be delivered this way (UPS/FedEX type packages) and all correspondence will be electronic. IN the mean time...

Thrustmaster unveils Wii peripherals kit | Reg Hardware

Thrustmaster unveils Wii peripherals kit | Reg Hardware

AT least these are mostly normal controller devices :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

WorldWatch - August 26, 2007 - Ethnic Cleansing or "Amnesty" - The Ornery American

WorldWatch - August 26, 2007 - Ethnic Cleansing or "Amnesty" - The Ornery American: "You see, President Bush, 'the worst president in American history,' presided over an economy with such low unemployment that there weren't enough workers desperate enough to leave their jobs and their homes and go on the road picking crops."

That's sarcasm folks...

Power Failure Light - no more fumbling in drawers for matches, Marge - The Red Ferret Journal

Power Failure Light - no more fumbling in drawers for matches, Marge - The Red Ferret Journal

Demonstrating once again that nifty, neat, new gadgets come all the time via simple ideas.

The Future of Spy Tools, Spidey Suits and Batman Toys

The Future of Spy Tools, Spidey Suits and Batman Toys: "a flexible, foamlike fabric called d3o that hardens on impact"

US broadcasters oppose Internet broadband UHF spectrum

US broadcasters oppose Internet broadband UHF spectrum: "What really has broadcasters scared stiff is the prospect of affordable high-speed Internet reaching rural America, the flyover land of satellite dishes and, at present, dial-up only Internet access. Broadcasters see how low cost Internet access has contributed to the decline of US newspaper publishers, and they don't want to have to compete - for eyeballs and advertising dollars - with rural high speed Internet broadband delivery of news, weather, sports, entertainment and movies on demand."

This is yeat another case of not responding to a changing demand in a business. If your market changes, you must evolve your business model to accommodate (or go out of business). Trying to force the old model to continue is (ultimately) futile. This change will happen and they must then adopt new ways to deal with it.

AMD seeks to put non-x86 accelerators into silicon

AMD seeks to put non-x86 accelerators into silicon

This is a very interesting move on their part, but not at all unexpected. If you are going to go the route of modularized cores, then this is a logical extension.

Monday, September 10, 2007

360 sales surge, PSP continues to flounder

360 sales surge, PSP continues to flounder

Friday, September 07, 2007

Shutting down big downloaders - Washington Post -

Shutting down big down loaders - Washington Post - "Some AT&T customers use disproportionately high amounts of Internet capacity, 'but we figure that's why they buy the service,' said Michael Coe, a spokesman for the company."

And there you have it. If you sell me 6 MBPS you better assume I am going to use it all (or a high percentage of it). After all, I pay a lot more each month to have that opportunity and a higher bandwidth connection encourages higher usage. When you are dealing with dial-up there are activities you simply wouldn't consider and most others you get over with quicker due to the lag.

I can understand the cable companies concern since their pipes are shared in a slightly different way, but you must be open and direct with your policies otherwise you are falsely advertising your service.

It might be better for them to do a more tiered service offering that is layered by actual usage. This would benefit the ones who use much less bandwidth as well. This puts in more in line with a utility (water, sewer, electricity, etc.) where usage matters. You want a cheaper bill? Use less.

Sadly, this is not the way they sell the service now.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Main Page - Wikia Blackbird

Main Page - Wikia Blackbird

A ?blog? or something, all dedicated to hot PC Gaming hardware.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

BBC confirms Doctor Who series five | The Register

BBC confirms Doctor Who series five | The Register

OK, a one year hiatus I can tolerate I guess. More so since it will include some specials at least so it isn't a completely dry spell.

It will be interesting to see if Mr. Tennent actually sticks by his original promise to be 'there' for the series as long as they wanted him. Hmmmm, might it be that they decide they would rather go with someone who has more open time? Hope not, he is really starting to hit his stride in the role.

Gizmodo UK : Mountain Dew/Halo 3 Ad Shows Gamers In Their Natural Environment

Gizmodo UK : Mountain Dew/Halo 3 Ad Shows Gamers In Their Natural Environment

Planetary Imagery: 30 Years From Voyager Spacecraft

Planetary Imagery: 30 Years From Voyager Spacecraft

Stunning, and nostalgic.

An unsettling reminder that some of us lived to see the first men on the moon...and so far, the last.

The space program should be about what is best with humanity, our spirit to strive so that our reach always just exceeds our grasp.

VMware Workstation 6 leads us a merry dance

VMware Workstation 6 leads us a merry dance: "In Short Whatever your use for VMware Workstation 6, whether development, disaster recovery or IT literacy - version 6 is useful. Just don't expect every facet of Vista being supported if you go down that route.

The Good: Vista support, USB 2.0, Physical to Virtual

The Bad: No support for FireWire & e-SATA

The Ugly: Lack of support for any DirectX over 8"

I use this all the time at work (upgraded from v5) on multicore systems for testing and I am very happy with this new release. Granted, we don't use much in the way of graphics horsepower, but the other new features make it a straight-up win.