Mark Tomlinson

Create Your Badge

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hello, gorgeous! Meet the laptop you'll use in 2015

Hello, gorgeous! Meet the laptop you'll use in 2015

If you have ever used (seriously used, not dabbled with) a decent PDA or a Tablet PC, you know how seductive the touch screen interface is. You find yourself then later trying to tocuh-screen your cell phone or desktop... So I think that these technologies will certainly drive the laptops (if you can still call them that) of the future.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Arthur C. Clarke

Arthur C. Clarke Dies

Not exactly fresh news, but we once again say goodbye to one of the few remaining great grand masters of science fiction. Someone I spent a lot of time in libraries (remember those?) as a child searching out his every book. There were only a handful of such authors and sadly, most of them are no longer with us.

God speed...

(P.S. That doesn't mean a new generation has not blossomed to take their place, but you can't really replace those you grew up with).

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Intel's 6-core Dunnington CPU coming this year, Nehalem gets official - Engadget

Intel's 6-core Dunnington CPU coming this year, Nehalem gets official - Engadget

Thursday, March 06, 2008

BluAlert Vibrating Bluetooth Wristband - talk to the band, cause the hand ain’t listenin’ - The Red Ferret Journal

BluAlert Vibrating Bluetooth Wristband - talk to the band, cause the hand ain’t listenin’ - The Red Ferret Journal

Padded lampposts for distracted texters being tested in London - Engadget

Padded lampposts for distracted texters being tested in London - Engadget

It might be better to make the 'accidents' fatal. At least then the gene pool would eventually get purged.

Microsoft Surface going spherical? - Engadget

Microsoft Surface going spherical? - Engadget