Mark Tomlinson

Create Your Badge

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Issue 513, 30 January 2006, Giving déjà vu a second look

Issue 513, 30 January 2006, Giving déjà vu a second look

Boing Boing: Help Richard's buddy blow up his gophers with a $1295 explosive system

Boing Boing: Help Richard's buddy blow up his gophers with a $1295 explosive system

Damn, this almost makes me wish I HAD gophers. Making things go boom--priceless.

Is TiVo next on Cisco's push into homes? | CNET

Is TiVo next on Cisco's push into homes? | CNET

Cisco has been ever so slowly moving more firmly into the consumer market. Remember (or learn) LinkSys is a Cisco product, just the consumer version... This is not an outtrageous or totally unexpected move on their part.

AMD spurts to twice Intel's share price

AMD spurts to twice Intel's share price

Mind you, the AMD market Cap is still nowhere near Intel :)

So, 16 B vs. 130 B

not really a winner yet, is good to see them challenging the big dawg.

Monday, January 30, 2006

WorldWatch - January 15, 2006 - Iraq -- Quit or Stay? - The Ornery American

WorldWatch - January 15, 2006 - Iraq -- Quit or Stay? - The Ornery American: "But no one has ever successfully waged a war against stupidity, so there's nothing we can do about it."

OMFG. That is a roll-on-the-floor, my sides hurt moment...

Saturday, January 28, 2006

South Pole Neutrino Detector Could Yield Evidences of String Theory

South Pole Neutrino Detector Could Yield Evidences of String Theory


Monday, January 23, 2006

RIAA and MPAA call a halt on digital progress

RIAA and MPAA call a halt on digital progress

So trot over to (yes YOU) and let you elected representatives hear your voice.

THAT is what makes a democracy work.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

SmackDown 2006 takes place in The Living Room

SmackDown 2006 takes place in The Living Room: "In biblical terms, it’s the Holy Grail. In modern terms, it’s a big fat, bloated cash cow waiting to be milked with a Hoover. Seeing as most of us are now officially overweight and spend way too much time surfing porn sites and watching the tube, technology companies have decided they want to help keep us on our fat asses by turning our modest dwellings into state of the art, futuristic, digital zones of habitation. So now, when we manage to heave ourselves upright and waddle to another room, we can take all our entertainment with us."

LOL, that is too funny (but sadly true on way too many levels)

AMD to put chip prices up

AMD to put chip prices up

This really is a KPI. If AMD feels confident enough to raise prices in a sector, they no longer feel the pressure (or not to the same level) as they have until know.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Internet Daily: BellSouth wants new Net fees - Internet Software - Retail - Internet Services - Mobile phones - Travel - Media - Entertainment and Lei

Internet Daily: BellSouth wants new Net fees

Oh puhleeze! First they charge you more for high-speed (but only by US standards) broadband and now they want to embed hidden costs that the users will end up havinbg to eat as well?

I alos have grave doubts that our pipe is near to overflowing. There have been a lot of capacity upgrades, can it be that they are all now nearly maxed out as well?

Two games coming for the Xbox 360

Two games coming for the Xbox 360

Monday, January 16, 2006

US flogs 600,000 Xbox 360s

US flogs 600,000 Xbox 360s

Tough to sell what you can't ship or put on the shelf. This alone must be enough to count for the shortfall. Great idea, bad implementation.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Computers drove me to drink

Computers drove me to drink

Hope the charity didn't pay a lot for this newsflash. Hell, I could have told them this was true from over 20 years of experiential (and experimental) data.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Fast PRAM will depose flash memory

Fast PRAM will depose flash memory

Buh-Buye flash, we hardly knew ye.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Sightwave Optics - Real Digital Binoculars

Sightwave Optics - Real Digital Binoculars

Star Wars Tech (for real).

As far as I can remember this first showed up in Star Wars, but maybe my memory os faulty...a lot of the '80s (and late 70's) is a bit vague :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The eStarling WiFi photo frame does Flickr - Engadget

The eStarling WiFi photo frame does Flickr - Engadget

Sweet. Next logical step really, now if the price would just drop down a bit...

New Scientist Take a leap into hyperspace - Features

New Scientist Take a leap into hyperspace - Features

What more can I say...

Unfinished Business … :: AO

Unfinished Business … :: AO: "What maverick tech entrepreneur and open-media advocate Michael Robertson hopes to accomplish by reentering the MP3 fray."

A very intersting interview with someone who really did change the landscape for digital music. More, he changed attitudes ABOUT music in fundamental ways and exposed new artists to consumers that otherwsise would have had no chance to be seen (heard).

Monday, January 09, 2006

Kenwood adds USB-equipped auto systems - Engadget

Kenwood adds USB-equipped auto systems - Engadget

Mini-cool. For what they charge for these things today, this should have already been there. Nothing innovative.

Deep Throat arrives for the XBox360

Deep Throat arrives for the XBox360

Sad, but true. Porn drives the buck which drives the uptake. :)

New Technology Needs Acceptance—And $$$ :: AO

New Technology Needs Acceptance—And $$$ :: AO: "Gast: Well, you guys have a huge energy research grant.

Plummer: Well, we do, and interestingly enough, unlike most basic research projects and universities that are funded by the federal government, much of the energy work here at Stanford is actually funded by corporations. These are large global corporations that are interested in this general space; companies like General Electric, Toyota, Exxon, Mobile, and so on, who have committed to supporting a vast portfolio of basic research."

Another interesting point that they make: "think that the only way we are going to solve some of these global problems is through technical breakthroughs. Policy issues and things have a role to play, especially in the short term. But at the end of the day, we simply must have clean, renewable, sustainable methods for generating vast quantities of energy that will be needed to power this planet in the coming decades and centuries."

Amen. We are approaching an energy limit, now wait before you take that the wrong way :) I am not talking about oil here at all (peak or otherwise). We are nearing a limit where the technology will be limited by the amount of consumable energy available (inexpensive energy I mean here).