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Monday, April 30, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
America's best jobs in the hottest markets | 1 | Business 2.0
America's best jobs in the hottest markets | 1 | Business 2.0: "Most of the hiring will still come from the region's tourism backbone. But Orlando will also post higher growth in professional-services jobs--everything from office managers to advertising account executives--than any other city on our list. The high-wage, white-collar category is projected to balloon by about 15 percent. The reason: Orlando's population is expected to expand by 150,000 by decade's end."
Orlando has been pushing for over a decade to shift away from a near total service based economy (there was military and some NASA as well). It appears to be working as a strategy. While the service industry will always employ more people in terms of sheer numbers, if the trend continues the disparity in salary between technology and service industries may well shift the tech sector to become the bigger tax base.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Woot : How A Monkey Becomes A Woot
Woot : How A Monkey Becomes A Woot
Ahh, yes. Woot-neBay. They go together like wine-n-cheese, chocolate-n-peanut butter. Classic ocombination.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Space shield to block radiation
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Space shield to block radiation: "The idea has been likened to the deflector shields which protect the USS Enterprise and other spacecraft in Star Trek. Like their fictional counterparts, these shields could also be switched on and off.
An artificial magnetosphere could come in handy anywhere in the Solar System where humans would need to be for long durations."
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Monday, April 09, 2007
Climate report: World's poorest will suffer most - CNN.com
Climate report: World's poorest will suffer most - CNN.com: "'The poorest of the poor in the world -- and this includes poor people in prosperous societies -- are going to be the worst hit,' Pachauri said. 'People who are poor are least able to adapt to climate change.'"
This just in from the Center for the Blindingly Obvious...
Thursday, April 05, 2007
InsideOutside garb alerts you of uncomfortable areas - Engadget
InsideOutside garb alerts you of uncomfortable areas - Engadget: "The garments are supposed to be rocked underneath of your corporately-approved suit and tie, and can purportedly assist you when coming in range of areas or situations that you don't spot right off, but you know would make you antsy if you did. Essentially, the garb 'heats up or cools down uncomfortably' when the wearer gets near user-selected situations that they don't appreciate"
Seriously cool. This is a new take on smart clothes (something I think has been under appreciated until now. Sure you can clothes that were iPod friendly, but that was about th extent of it. Now we see the rise of the cyborgs!
AMD needs money to make it through the year
AMD needs money to make it through the year: "The good news for AMD is that Osha thinks that its 65nm Athlon X2s will be the bees knees, and could be just the thing that it needs to kick Intel back into touch in the performance sector. The bad news, product-wise, is that Lynch considers its quad-core server products to be 'beside the point', which can't be good news for the legions of benchmarketers out to prove that 'native' quad-core is the one true way."
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Serenity named top sci-fi movie
BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Serenity named top sci-fi movie: "SFX editor Dave Bradley said it was a 'massive surprise' to see Serenity beating Star Wars."
Why? 20 years ago this might not have happened, but after th recent Star Wars dreck, no contest. Serenity had a PLOT, CHARACTERS you cared about and decent acting. Much of this was lost in process for the Star Wars franchise.
Gizmodo UK : WiRanger Extends USB Over Wi-Fi
Gizmodo UK : WiRanger Extends USB Over Wi-Fi
NIce. A cool way to eliminate some cable clutter or (better yet) to move the printer/whatever) to a more suitable location.
Cable free will be the new mantra, I think, with peripherals going forward.
New coating may lead to fog- and dirt-free windshields - Engadget
New coating may lead to fog- and dirt-free windshields - Engadget: "this material has the unique ability to both prevent the formation of water droplets (no more fog!) as well as cause oil-based substances to bead up for easy cleaning (no more road grime!)"